
skills development

During my A2 project i was able to develop my skills further from what skills i had already gained from AS. these included; Skills development of my camera technique. i was able to use a new, digital style of camera which i was not able to last year and therefor develop my skills. this year i have learned that a skilled camera man needs a steady hand, the camera can not always be on a tripod or a level surface so when holding the camera it is important that you keep it as still as possible. this is not easy outside due to wind, cold temperature and other distractions. another skill i developed this year was editing. As the director this year i was also in charge of overseeing all aspects of the piece in order that the project would meet our high expectations. this meant i had more input in editing this year than last and could dervelop my skills, such as; cutting scenes together,slide transitions, editing out scenes wich needed to be retaken and deciding what to cut from our trailer to shorten it. a big part of my skills development was based in Directing our piece. as it is my lifes ambition to become a film director i was given this role within our group of set. This year i was sole director of our piece aswell as doing other things within the group such as helping with the ancillary tasks and some camera work. this meant that, wereas last year i was co director of my group, this year i had all the responsibility, meaning i was in charge of the whole project. this was hard but i wass able to quickly overcome problems and direct the group quickly and confidently. another big part of my role as director was organising the scenes and where we were going to be, when, what to bring and what scenes to film on what day. this was also hard but i found that by planning everything in notes i could maximise my efficiency.

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