Today we went out of school and looked in and around whittlesey for locations to film our trailer. this proved difficult as their were not that many places in whittlesey that had not either been built of re-built after the 1980's or had some form of moddern day object in them such as a plastic bin or a safety sign. we found some locations we thought may have been useful and took pictures to reffer back to later when setting the scenes and to give our group a more visual idea of the style and atmosphere we wanted for our film trailer. this picture is of the street which we will film our chase scene down.

we will use the interior of robins car as a police car.

this is another shot of the inside of robin's car. this is to show how some difficulties that may arise when filming might be the shape and ergonomics within the car as they are not inkeeping with the films tone.

this is a row of garrages that we may use for one of our scenes as it is very plain and the style is quite inkeeping with the tone of our piece appart from the plastic drainpipes.

this is a shot of the fenced off land around the train tracks in whittlesey this is a good location as the wherehouses around it are quite inkeeping with the overall tone and theme of our film.

this picture is of a wooden gate leading out into one of the alleys that we may use to film due to the darkness and simplicity of the wall structures wich will help with our chosen style. the door opens onto private property so when filming down the public alley we will need to ensure nothing is dammaged.

this is a photo of the same alley from a different angle. in this shot it is easy to see that the alley is a good place for us to film as it is long and so we can film in two different places and it will seem like two differewnt alley ways. also the surroundings are quite simplistic and basic. the scrached paintwork on the side of the right building also ties in well with our themes of an older and more grimey time and place.

this is a shot of the garrages allong one side of a quiet cul-de-sac. this will help us with filming as along with the fact that the colours and shapes of the buildings tie in with our themes the quietness of the area means we are un-likely to be disturbed whilst filming.

this is another shot of the same alley as in two pictures above. this shot easily shows how, although it is the same alley, it seems like two different places. also the curve of the alley will hide Any un-wanted traffic that may contrast with our style or set era.

this is a shot of the entrance of another alley. this also shows a picture of the back half of a car that we may use as it ties in well with the time period of our film.

this is a shot of the other end of the same alley as above. the elements in this shot all tie in well with our film as being set in the 80's ( the wood telephone pole and the square metal bin) and the setting of england with the common street name 'old crown lane'
this is a shot of the same alley as the two shots above but this one shows the dissimilarity between the two walls. although red brick is more steriotypical of a 1980's britan scene the mud wall is also acceptable as the overhanging branches create the look of a thached cottage. comonly found in 1970's and 80's films such as Withnal and I and The Assam Garden.
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