Gremlins is an action sci-fi comedy film made in 1984. it is about a boy who gets a pet for Christmas but he has to follow some rules. he fails to follow these rules and bad things start to happen as the pet creates a set of evil gremlins. i chose this poster for my de-construction because i felt that, although it was a professional film poster its style and quality would be achievable b us with a very menial budget.
for example the white background with a Shadow peeling across it would be very simple to create with the schools editing software as would the light spot on the wall partially blocking the Shadow however this is a link to the film itself and so may not be necessary on our poster. also the use of distortion in this poster as the shadow of the gremlin does not fit the physical object in the shot is another feature we may look into using in our poster.
the title on the poster also shows features of a 1980's film poster as it is bold and stands out from the text instead of fitting in with the background like films of today such as Shrek or Casino Royale. also, it has a font which fits in with the themes within the film such as childishness and disorder.
the tag line under the title is also a feature we shall include in our poster. it easily sums up the film and gives the reader an idea of what the film is about, enticing the audience and making them want to watch the story.
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