
Shot types we will use

As we have now structured which scenes in our trailer we are going to produce, we have come up with certain framing and shot lengths that we will use in particular scenes in order to create the right emotions and effectiveness. Close-up shot: To be used when DC Summers is handed the document by Toby. To be used when DC Summers is talking to Billy. To be used when DC Summers and DC Curtis are talking in the car. Medium Shot: To be used when DC Summers talks to Toby and treats his injuries. To be used when Toby is given a gun by the Drug Lord. To be used when DC Summers and DC Curtis kick down the door. To be used when DC Summers attempts to catch Toby. Low Angle Shot: To be used when DC Summers is chasing Tomas. Two Shot: To be used when DC Summers is chasing Tomas. To be used when DC Summers and DC Curtis are walking towards the camera. To be used when DC Summers is talking to Toby and treating his injuries. To be used when Billy shoots Toby. To be used when Toby meets the Drug Lord. To be used when DC Summers and DC Curtis kick down the door. To be used when DC Summers attempts to catch Toby. To be used when the car explodes. We are going to use a lot of two-shots throughout to show the relationships between characters. For a lot of these, it is either DC Summers and DC Curtis or DC Summers and Billy. This shows the main essence of the story and that these characters relationships are important for the audience to follow. these shots will also be used with Billy and Toby and Billy and The drug lord to show that they are all part of a criminal organisation. (Toby being an under cover ex-convict) The other shots were decided by how we felt we wanted the scenes to come across, for example a close-up of the exchange between Toby and DC Summers showing the importance of the letter throughout the supposed film.

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