
Running order

One of my main jobs as director was to organise who was going to be where and when both on and off set. to do this i created a running order. Filming Day 1 (21/1/11) Cast needed:- Harry, Robin, James, Tomas, Myself Scenes:- 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 14 9:00 Harry, Robin and I meet at the ivy leaf club car park and film scenes 3 and 5 11:00 James meets us at ivy leaf car park to film scenes 1 and 14 13:00 Robin, Harry and I move to to film scene 2 14:00 Tomas meets us at the layby at the edge of whittlesey to film scene 6 Filming Day 2 (//) Cast needed:- Harry, Robin, Jack, Myself Scenes:- 7, 9, 11, 12, 15, 16, 20, 22 9:00 Harry, Robin and i meet up at the ivy leaf car park to film scene 7, 12 and 16 13:00 Jack meets us at the churchyard to film scenes 20 and 22 15:00 Harry, Robin and I film scenes 11 and 15 at school in confrence room (booked out earlier in the week from 14:00 to 17:00) it was at this point that, after editing, we decided we already had too many scenes and our trailer's running time was over 7 minutes long theirfor we decided not to film any more scenes but to work with what we had got already.

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