
conventions of the action genre

Due to the fact that our film will be a buddy-cop, action film, we decided to do a couple of posts detailing the basic conventions based around a these genres. from our initial research we have found that one typical convention of the action genre is the heroic main character who is usually male and in a lot of films starts off in a lower status and does not want to be a hero. this is seen in films such as Hancock and Die Hard. the 1980's are well known as an era for action films and the birth of the buddy-cop action movie. with films such as 48 Hours and Lethal Weapon we can see that another typical convention of this genre is to have a very typical, low budget plot line with a pair of "cops" with martial arts or sharp shooting skills facing unbeatable odds and eventually capturing the main antagonist(s) at the end of the film. another convention of the action genre, particularly used around the later 1980's is the mixing of two genres such as sci-fi and action with films such as Terminator and Robo-Cop, horror and action such as Alien or Predator and even comedy and action such as Dragons Forever and Beverly Hills Cop.

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