Shot types we will use
character profiles

Running order

Scene List

Genre change
questionnaire results

Research - Influences on our work
- production: we looked at many dramas and found that they were based in America or even further afield. this was not a problem but we felt we should look at more English dramas and films to see the changes in style and technique.
- reception: most of the things we watched were created in the mid 80's but some were not. we needed to see how well received they were by the audience and critics because we did not want to create a film which would then be a flop and not make it as a film. most of the criticism was good for the modern day films and TV dramas. this was good as it meant we would be able to run with this idea
- style: in order to create a more realistic piece we had to base our work around others without copying them. for this we had to pick what films or dramas would most influence our piece. after a lot of research we decided that our two biggest influences would be the 2004 Starsky and Hutch film and the 2007 TV drama Life on Mars.
Reasearch - Mike Leigh

I had already researched a little into mike Leigh but, as we were going to be using his ideas on directing and characters, i thought it would be better to have more focused research on him. for this i decided to use Wikipedia, IMDb and google to find out as much about his directing style as i could. I also suggested to the rest of my group that they do more research into his methods so they would have a clear understanding of his methods and what i was going to ask of them. I then watched some of his films in which he uses the actors improvisation instead of a script, such as life is sweet.
Whilst researching Mike Leigh i discovered; Most of his work in theatre and film is done without any initial script. He and the actors improvise their characters and the scenes under his overall control. This is what i intend to do with our piece as i think it will give the characters a more realistic look.
He became an Associate Member of RADA (Royal Academy of Dramatic Art) as have many famous actors and directors such as Sir Derek Jacobi and Sir Anthony Hopkins. He Graduated from RADA and moved on to the Camberwell School of Art and the Central School of Art and Design. He began as a theatre director and playwright in the mid 1960s. in the 70's and 80's he began to work on film and developed his "kitchen sink realism" style.
He was made a Fellow of the British Film Institute in recognition of his outstanding contribution to film and television culture. He was awarded an OBE (Officer of the Order of the British Empire) in the 1993 Queen's Honours List for his services to the film industry. This shows that he is a well known director and has been awarded for his films.
Using a well known, praised directors style to create my own will help as i will be able to see if it works and if not then i will use a different method. this will become clear after our first session of filming, however i think that this will work as having looked closely at his films and seen interviews in which he tells the audience of his style, I now have a better understanding of his work.
Research - Directors

- the characters were able to act more expressively due to the fact that their were less political correctness laws at that time. although this will be hard to add in to our piece we may be able to do this solely through our physicality.
- the setting was all inkeeping with the time period. after reading articles on this matter it turns out that they made a grievous continuity error when filming as a car is seen in one of the chase scenes which was not manufactured until two years after the date the series is set. we shall not make the same mistake in our film although given our limited budget this may prove difficult.
- the clothing of all of the characters is inkeeping with the time period. we will have to discuss this and research more when we discuss costume at a later date. as we are on a very limited budget costume may be a key factor in re-determining the time period of our project.

conventions of the action genre
Group magazine cover de-construction - Iron Man

Group Poster De-construction - Starsky and Hutch

Magazine cover de-construction - Total Film magazine

Poster de-construction - Gremlins

Film trailer de-construction - The Descent
De-Constructions brief
The Brief
- a two minuete long teaser trailer of our film
- a poster for our film
- a Film magazine cover advertising our film as the main feature article
we were directed by the teacher to form into groups of about four. our group consists of; Robin Hutchinson, Harry Booth, Jack Jenkins and myself. we then set about the task of creating a time plan to assist us in our project with regards to time mannagment and co-operation.
after this we started to discuss genres we might choose. after much consideration we had three genres to choose from; Horror, Sci-Fi and Action. we decided to go for Horror as we thought that Sci-Fi may be too difficult on our small budget and an action film would be to dull against all of the action films of today.
Time plan