
Making The Poster

when making our poster we had to be sure to keep elements of a 1980's action film to keep it in our time period. this meant we had to think of everything and do a lot of research into similar films posters to ensure ours was of a similar type. the first thing to do was to decide what our poster was going to show. it needed to be something that could sum up our film in one image with a few words to help. after much discussion we decided on two options. either a picture of the two main protagonists of our film or an old 1980's style car like the one from 'starsky and hutch' we decided that, as our magazine cover was of the two protagonists we would use a car. after finding a suitable car and taking some photos we decided that any modern street was to modern and was not in the right style due to lampposts and new signs etc. so we went onto the Internet and found some pictures of different landscapes that would be suitable. then we went about creating the poster.

  1. first we chose one of the pictures of the car to work on

  2. then we cut out most of the shadowed areas

  3. after that we cut out all of the larger pieces of background

  4. we then used the zoom tool to focus on the more intricate sections

  5. after that we had to delete the Shadow from under the car

  6. after cutting out all of the space around the car we had to change the colour of the background to 'invisible'

  7. we tried out our car cut-out on the backgrounds we had picked and settled on one

  8. we placed and re-sized the car so that it looked as if it was part of the background

  9. we then added the text and started trying out different effects to make our poster look even more professional. we eventually chose a 'poster lines' effect to make all of the different objects in the poster stand out and a brightened effect on the title to make it more clear. We had to request permission from the owner of the red car to film and take pictures of it in order that he did not call the police as we were taking pictures of his car. Luckily the owner lived in a house close by the car. We also had to ask for permission to use the background as it was copyright protected. we sent the company an e-mail.

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