

For our evaluations, we decided as a group to create video diaries to answer each of the four evaluation questions, as our characters within the trailer. We felt that to get good marks, we had to be imaginative and unusual with the way in which we answered these questions in our evaluations and it was agreed that we would film each question in a location that the character relates to the most. This was decided between Harry, Robin and I as Jack was not in school when the decision was made. we watched our film trailer to look at possible locations for these videos and then checked that the location was still available. We came to a conclusion that; Harry's would be filmed where he had made the deal (as D.C.Summers)with Toby, Robins would be in the car as if the interviewer had stopped D.C. Curtis whilst on the beat, Jacks would be down the alley where The drug lord had given Billy a gun and Mine would be down the side alley where Billy had made the deal with the undercover D.C. Summers. We then proceeded, after school, to send a message to Jack and tell him of the idea and if he wanted to do the same thing then we already had a suggestion of where we could film his, however, he decided that he would like to take a different approach to his evaluation. We were fine with this and gave him the opportunity to take part with what we were doing. We used facebook to ask him this question and then spoke to him afterwards to make sure that he was sure about his decision. He said that he was sure so we continued with ours.

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