
Evaluation question 2 - How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Through the combination of our main and ancillary tasks we were able to create a new style of film by using old conventions and themes and then push them out and expanding on them, using an old type of film genre (1980s buddy cop) and then, by adding in conventions from other genres of film and TV creating a new style.

We also did this with our poster by basing it partially upon the posters of the Starsky and Hutch film and then taking inspiration from other movie posters such as Batman and Layer Cake to create a poster that would both sum up our film and keep the audience in the dark. We did this by basing the poster around the car instead of the people.Although this has been done before, we decided that this would be a good way to go as a brightly coloured car is used as a symbol of the lack of uniformed authority in police action films.

With our magazine cover we decided that the picture should be of the main protagonists of our film as this is almost always the case on magazine covers such as Terminator Salvation in Total FILM magazine and The A Team in Empire magazine. We decided that this would be best as we wanted the audience to not recognise the people in the shot as they are new actors therefore having to find out more about our film by watching the trailer or finding our poster online.

The combination of the three elements of our promotional package was effective in as much as they could all easily promote our film individually but together they created an even better depiction of our film.

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