
Magazine creation

When creating the magazine we decided that, as we had used the car on the poster and it was more usual to have the main protagonists of a film on the front cover, to use Harry and Robin as their characters, striking a pose. We then chose one of the pictures we took and played around with different effects to see how they looked.

After choosing a style we liked, we put it into word and placed in some text boxes. we then added words into the text boxes and inserted word art for the title in order to use Docteur Atomic.

We then added in a title and cut another copy of Robins head to place over the first one on top of the Magazine title.

after this we researched upcoming films using IMDb and put these in text boxes over the image. we then added pictures to go with these stories. these would act as secondary stories in our supposed magazine. we also added a picture of an i-pad and created a competition as this is another key feature of magazines and we felt it would contribute to making ours look more realistic.

we then coppied the complete picture to word so that we could easily mail it around and print it if necessary.

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